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Iressa (Gefitinib)

Prescription requiredOnly Available By Prescription
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What is Generic?

What is a Generic Drug?

A generic drug is a copy of the brand-name drug with the same dosage, safety, strength, quality, consumption method, performance, and intended use. Before generics become available on the market, the generic company must prove it has the same active ingredients as the brand-name drug and works in the same way and in the same amount of time in the body.

The only differences between generics and their brand-name counterparts is that generics are less expensive and may look slightly different (eg. different shape or color), as trademarks laws prevent a generic from looking exactly like the brand-name drug.

Generics are less expensive because generic manufacturers don't have to invest large sums of money to develop a drug. When the brand-name patent expires, generic companies can manufacture a copy of the brand-name and sell it at a substantial discount.


Iressa is a prescription lung cancer treatment medication used to slow the progress of the cancer and improve chances for positive treatment outcomes. The active ingredient in this medication - Gefitinib - is a TKI inhibitor drug that slows the growth of cancer cells by disabling the function of tyrosine kinase enzymes in the body. As with most cancer treatment drugs it is beneficial to be on the medication as soon as possible to have it contribute to best results from chemotherapy or other treatment approaches that aim to put the cancer into remission.

You can buy Iressa drug with a prescription, and your best Iressa price on it will be when you order medication online from Canada and Canpharm.

Buy Iressa (Gefitinib) online from online Canadian Pharmacy |


Standard dosage is to take one Iressa 250mg tablet once daily with food, and it best to take your medication at the same time each day. Dosage may vary based on medical condition, responses to existing treatment, lab results, or other factors. You should always take this medication at the dose specified in your prescription.

Drink at least two to three quarts of fluid every 24 hours while taking medication.


The active ingredient in Iressa is Gefitinib.


Tell your doctor if you have any history of lung disease, kidney or liver disease, eye problems, stomach or intestinal ulcers, gastrointestinal perforation, bowel cancer, or if you are a smoker before starting on Iressa medication.

Do not receive any kind of immunization or vaccination without your doctor's approval while taking Iressa.

Women are advised to not become pregnant while using this medication due to risks to the fetus. Use barrier birth control methods with your partner while using Iressa.


Negative drug interactions may occur between Iressa and other Rx or OTC medications, including warfarin / ranitidine / cimetidine / famotidine / omeprazole / lansoprazole / rabeprazole / vinorelbine / ibuprofen / naproxen / prednisone / tadalafil / bevacizumab / bosutinib / indinavir / propranolol / ivacaftor / mipomersen / methotrexate / vincristine / clobazam / sirolimus / bedaquiline / erlotinib / vancomycin / pazopanib / selegiline / acyclovir.

Let your doctor know of all medications you are currently taking before receiving a prescription and going to buy Iressa drug online.

Side Effects

Side effects from Iressa are possible, and some users may experience diarrhea, rash, acne, dry skin, nausea, vomiting, appetite loss, nail problems, hair loss, redness or soreness in mouth or throat, or weakness. If Iressa side effects are seen you may want to stop use and meet with your doctor again to discuss lung cancer treatment medication alternatives.