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What is Synjardy XR – What is Synjardy XR Used For?

Not uncommon for the sequel of a movie to be a bit of a disappointment as compared to the first one. Certainly true with Ghostbusters, although all 3 of the Indiana Jones movies were great. But good movies or sequel flops have nothing to do with either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Is Type 2 worse than type 1 for diabetes? Well, depends on your perspective. With Type 1 diabetes the person has just had rotten luck with their genetics and it usually onsets in childhood. That’s not good, but for Type 2 diabetics it’s often part of a whole lot of accompanying health factors that make it more of a complicated disease with more associated risks. So what is Synjardy XR?

It's a combination Type 2 diabetes treatment medication that is usually prescribed for people who don’t have blood sugar under control when using another medication. SGLT2 inhibitors are a different class of constituent found in this medication, and for some people it is a better fit for glucose control based on their physiology. Keep in mind if you want this medication to work as best as possible you will need to be eating smarter and getting more exercise, and if you find that trudging along on a treadmill isn’t to your liking, you may want to try an elliptical machine.

That’s because people tend to get Type 2 diabetes when they are older, and it just so happens this is the age when you often start reminiscing about 1980’s movies in the first place. That’s true whether you’re 55 or 75, and it’s also true that when you’re on the far side of 50 the knees can start aching when you try a treadmill. The elliptical takes that strain off your knees, and you can still really work up a sweat and burn calories without leaving home. All of this isn’t related one bit to what is Synjardy XR though, so let’s move on to talk more about that than movies.

Heart Help Too

What makes Synjardy different for diabetics is that the combination of ingredients means that it is a better choice as diabetes medication for people with cardiac health problems. Metformin is the primary ingredient in Jardiance, and it’s a well-known Type 2 diabetes medication on its own. It’s different from what is Synjardy XR, but the active ingredient Empagliflozin makes it so that the risk of a cardiac event is decreased. Quite often that can be the case if the diabetic also has hypertension, and so it is really good on that side of the treatment spectrum.

Then on the other side is Synjardy XR’s other active ingredient, metformin, is fairly well known too and an equal part of what is Synjardy used for primarily – getting A1c test scores down to that 7% or lower that is the standard aim for someone looking to keep Type 2 diabetes in check. If they struggle with that even after moving to Synjardy then they may want to know if man-eating sharks prefer diabetics, especially if they have a ‘sweet tooth’ like a human who absolutely loves sugary stuff. That may sound absurd when it comes to a discussion of what is Synjardy, and it is fairly absurd.

But it certainly could be a wrinkle they put in the next Sharknado movie, but who really wants to see Sharknado 7. Getting back to Type 2 diabetes again though, consider this – there’s a connection between sharks and diabetic foot infections. What is Synjardy XR used for? In part it’s used to prevent people from getting to the point where they do have nerve problems from diabetes.

Menu of Maladies

Diabetic neuropathy is one of the many potential health problems and maladies that can result from not having Type 2 diabetes under control. If you don’t restrict your blood sugar and prevent it from staying high for long periods of time you’re not going to want to hear what your outcomes might. Having excessive thirst, blurred vision, fatigue, or priapism at a party might not seem so bad, but having wounds heal poorly might get your attention more.

But if you end up having it go much worse then you can be at risk of the nerve damage we talked about earlier or – even worse – heart disease, kidney failure, vision loss, or cognitive dysfunction. Definitely not a menu you want to be ordering from, but all of those become a possibility. Some people may have comorbidity factors that increase their risk of it even more based on that prolonged elevated blood sugar levels. What is Synjardy XR? It’s a means of lowering your blood sugar reliably and managing Type 2 diabetes. And you only need to take it 1 time a week.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.